Mar 19, 2010

And the winner is......

The contest is over. I stuck ya'lls names in a hat and drew one randomly. The winner is...... Emily of Dismantled Fashions. There was a lot of entries, and I wish you all could have won. So for those of you that entered but didn't win, take 25% off your next purchase. Drop me a line in the notes to seller and let me know it was you.

Emily, email me at itsaswindle78 at comcast dot net and let me know where to send this.

Mar 15, 2010

It's Contest Time!

This is my first contest so be gentle on me. *cues "first time" by the soft boys*
Up for grabs today is a pair of pink rose sweater clips in honor of the nice weather outside!

Popularized in the 1950's, sweater clips are the perfect accessory for that retro look. Clip them on each side of your sweater, or wear them as decoration on your blouse and go out in style.
This sweater clip has red roses and a chain of pearls. Approximately 5" from clip to clip.

Wanna know how to win? Of course you do!
Here's the skinny.

-Follow my blog for + 1 entry
-Visit my shop and leave me a comment telling what your favorite item is for +1 entry
-Buy that favorite item and score + 3 entries!
-RT about this contest (@itsaswindleetsy My first contest! Win a pair of pink rose sweater clips. and score +1 entry (1 per hour)

Leave me a comment and tell me what you've done or I won't know you've entered! Winner will be chosen at random.
This contest ends Friday at 12:00 noon central time!

Mar 10, 2010

Randomness for the day

I keep saying I need to post on here more, but I'll be honest, I am terrible with blogs! I never know what to say. I'm going to give this another shot though because I feel bad. Should I keep it short and sweet? Should I ramble and rant? Should I bore you with nerd talk? Who knows. But I'm going to post a whole buncha updates first and then see where it goes.
So here's what's been up since I last left the blog.
As far as etsy goes, I've pretty much re did the shop. I cleared out tons of old inventory and added all new ones. I am very happy with where I am at right now. I am almost to 100 sales and that's a big deal since I didn't think I'd it for a while! I started the year off with about 64 or so. I've met some great people and had some great features on blogs. (Check it out yo! I'm thinking of expanding my lines soon to include brooches, more cufflinks and hair accessories. I have some amazing ideas built up, just need to find the time. The other night I spent 5 hours making sweater clips! I should have some new stuff coming soon. I'm lucky to have a great boyfriend who encourages me and gives me ideas. (The vintage style brooches we're his!!!) But that amazing boyfriend is who takes up most of my time. I'm not currently working except for etsy so I spend damn near every waking moment at his place, 45 minutes away from my supplies. He puts up with me bringing all my stuff there sometimes and I love him for that, but then I feel bad when I spend all the time sitting there with my head in my work! But I disgree, I really need a vacation away from this sometimes. My callused and torn up hands can prove it!

I think I've rattled enough off for today so let me show you some new sweater clips I am proud of and make me feel like spring is here, even if there is snow outside.
Very pretty and kitchy rose sweater clips with a chain of pearls. Available in Pink, Yellow, White, Red and Black.
Blue and White button sweater clips. I can not get over how gorgeous this blue is!

Sep 24, 2009

TNT Sales!!!

It's Thursday again and that means TNT sales are exploding all around!
Every Thursday the DIYScene Street Team presents Thursday Night Temptation.
You don't need to be a memeber of the team to participate, it's open to anyone!!!

This week I am offering 30% off everything in store!!!!!

Want more TNT?

* Go to
* Search #EtsyTNT on Twitter
* Read the comments on this entry

Sep 23, 2009

Diyscene Team's Halloween Contest

Diyscene Team's Halloween contest starts October 1st. Over $300 in prizes!!!
Get ready because you do not want to miss this!

Sep 13, 2009

Huge Clearance Sale!!!!

It's that time of the year. Tons of times are 50% off to make way for all new stuff!!! Get them while you can!!!!!!!

Sep 10, 2009

TNT Sales!

It's Thursday again and that means TNT Sales are exploding all around.
Every Thurday the DIYScene Street Teams hosts Thurday Night Temptation sales.
Anyone with an etsy shop is welcome to join!

This week I am offering 25% off and a free pair of earrings with every order.
Search "diyscene team" for more shops offering deals!

Click here for more info about TNT.